Claims processing in the motor insurance market is notoriously complex. Time-consuming and costly, it has the potential to distract brokers from acquiring and retaining new customers which can lead to a loss of revenue.
A frustrated or unhappy customer can absorb resources, meaning there’s less time to create and sell great products, which is what brokers do so well. If executed efficiently, however, the customer experience during the claims process can turn into a positive.
Motor insurance brokers provide deep industry insight, product knowledge and customer service expertise, but managing all stages of a claim, from early assessment to investigation and through settlement takes time.
If your current claims journey hasn’t evolved, it’s likely your customers are expecting better.
If you are finding the claims process onerous, then you know your customers will too – it is vital not to have the business-as-usual mindset and instead to seek alternative options. Perhaps you are managing multiple external suppliers, are yet to automate and digitise your processes, or are experiencing rising claims volumes. Either way, alleviating these pressures will help motor insurance brokers to focus on offering exemplary customer service and products.
The problem isn’t always simple to pinpoint. External suppliers can be a huge advantage for business, yet too many cooks can also make the claims process more disjointed. Meanwhile, when it comes to digitising workflows, only the best claims management software solutions offer an intuitive user experience. Yet an increasing proportion of drivers, and therefore claimants, are digital natives and therefore expect an intuitive online customer journey.
This increasingly large demographic also wants the claims process to run swiftly and usually insists on fast response times. Yet, the more parties that are involved in a process, the more intricate it becomes, slowing the whole thing down.
Not only do you need something digitally up to date, but it also needs to be bespoke to your business.
This is where Motor Assist can help, offering a complete FNOL and claims management solutions for both retail and commercial customers. Choosing an experienced partner which offers a tailorable package of services or a full, end-to-end claims management solution can alleviate an array of pinch points.
As well as working with suppliers on a broker’s behalf, which can significantly streamline the process, it has developed a suite of technologies and platforms to offer an enhanced customer journey. Whether brokers are dealing with individuals or businesses, Motor Assist has the capability to tailor its solution to differentiate every customer to minimise inconvenience and cost.
Claims processing in the motor insurance market is notoriously complex. Time-consuming and costly, it has the potential to distract brokers from acquiring and retaining new customers which can lead to a loss of revenue.
A frustrated or unhappy customer can absorb resources, meaning there’s less time to create and sell great products, which is what brokers do so well. If executed efficiently, however, the customer experience during the claims process can turn into a positive.
Motor Assist provides a simple, bespoke solution for brokers to outsource claims, enabling them to protect their brand and retain customers. It is a solution for brokers who want to concentrate on their areas of expertise while letting Motor Assist take care of the often-onerous claims process.